Our Story

It was very hard for not to get caught up in life and lose sight of Gods plan. But Ryan and Carlene took it all in; the good and the bad. On different paths during the course of life, they finally met at one… the one God chose.

Carlene, a New York native that was raised with Jamaican ethics, has been working for years with all the gifts that God gave her. She always loved the lord, her family, children, and had a sincere heart for others in need. As a Mother, Artist, Poet, Community Advocate, Educator, and a Medical Professional, she wore all her hats gracefully. She definitely learned her lesson throughout life with trial and error but certainly never gave up. Especially, with the voice of God always guiding her back on track. This caused her to gain many achievements and respect. After moving to Virginia, she joined the Arts and Culture scene and established many friendships, but there was only one that would last forever.

And that was Ryan.

Ryan, a Virginian native, grew up in the church. With his family in varies leading roles in ministry, he grew wise. He too, loved the lord, his family, and had a sincere heart. As an Emcee and Graphic Designer, he lived on faith with his craft and became highly notable in the Art and Culture scene. The ins and outs of life could have kept him down but he stayed focus. Through this, he also gained many achievements and respect. His connection kept him striving in his goals. But only on connection was divine.  

And that was his connection with Carlene.

They associated with each other through the Art and Culture scene and brief conversations through social media. Not knowing of God’s plan for them seven years later. Then in October of 2011 they unexpectedly met up at a public event. Again, they hit it off immediately, rekindling their friendship through phone conversations and occasional outings. Eventually, it did not matter where they came from, it’s where they were going that became the big issue. It became clear of what’s to come through faith, growth, and reasoning.  

Ryan and Carlene fell in love.

Truth be told, they had questioning moments. Struggling with their own personal battles, it probably would have been easier to part and go their own separate ways. But the bible says, “Love conquers”, and the love they developed for each other defeated their uncertainties. They learned a lot about compromise and sacrifice. Their hearts was further extended with the birth of their baby girl now blessing Ryan with his first child and Carlene with her third. Their family unit was not conventional or traditional but it is believed that it was the lord’s intentions for them all to be in each other’s lives.

Carlene often told Ryan about dreams she had about her future husband. She knew that was the man that was to be placed in her life and spent years searching for him. After growing in faith and ministry together and more conscious of the spiritual gifts that God gave them, they realize that they are meant to spend the rest of their lives together as one. To continue to spread the word of God and being a testimony for the kingdom.  
Carlene found the man in her dreams. 

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