Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Thank God for allowing us to find each other. It has been a long road... sometimes smooth and sometimes rocky. Our family and friends have have been so supportive, loving, and generous. We are overwhelmed with joy and without all of you following what God placed in your hearts, we wouldn't have made it here so gracefully. Venders, financial sponsors, planners, decorators, Pastors,  guests... it didn't matter how big your part was in this process, everything contributed to the bigger vision that God has. As artists, we thought it would be easy to express our gratitude but we are speechless.
FUN, FUN, FUN...  was the main word everyone gave us in the feedback about wedding and we are so glad everyone enjoyed themselves. We also feel blessed because both of our families united like we have been families for a while.
The video of the event should be ready in two weeks. The photos should be ready in four to six weeks. in the meantime, click the link below for all the PHOTOBOOTH PICS!!!. It is an open file, so you can download the pictures to keep a digital copy.

Love You All
Mr. and Mrs. Watson

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